The weekend is over and I baked!! So here I am... I figure while I wait for John's fantasy baseball draft to conclude so we can watch The Pacific, I will blog about all the cupcakes I made this weekend... No crazy, fun, fondant creations... just cupcakes!!

I had a Lia Sophia jewelry party Saturday night and tried to make the treats all "low-cal" friendly so that as I nibbled I wouldn't have to feel too guilty. So naturally on the menu I would have to include those super low calorie cupcakes I have told you all about. Now here is one of my recipes I will gladly share... mainly because I learned it from Weight Watchers, so I am sure A LOT of people already know about it. Its simply, a box of cake mix, and a 12 ounce can of diet soda... I use diet 7-up... it smells lemony, but the lemon does not over-power... I want to try other flavors too... in fact, next weekend I might try chocolate with a can of diet Dr. Pepper!!! YUMMM... Now some of them I put normal "high test" all fat and full of calories vanilla buttercream... I know some of my guests are very fond of my buttercream, so I did not want to disappoint when they found out there were cupcakes!!! However, the way that I eat them, to keep them "healthier" is by spraying on some Reddi Whip... Its way low in calories, super light, and definitely yummy!!

MMM... cupcakes are the best!! and these totally hit the spot! Less than 200 calories to eat all the cupcakes that the recipe makes!! hahaha... so depending how many cupcakes you get out of the batch, you're looking at less than 20 calories a cupcake... how amazing is that... talk about guilt free cupcakes for dinner night!!

I hope you make them, and I hope that you love them as much as I do!! You might see cupcakes a lot on here... they are not only a personal favorite... but its easier to share and taste this way. I tend to bring these treats into work so that I don't end up eating endless calories and can continue to watch my weight, so this way I can have a taste to make sure I don't poison anyone, and it doesn't look like I am bringing in a half eaten cake!
Next up... Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes... ;-) I made them tonight, but will get the review from the co-workers tomorrow and will share all!
could you use regular soda just have more calories??